Hi kids! How are you today? We have another participant in the Blog now! Let´s work together with Miss Moni!

Hi kids! It is great to see you in 3rd form! Look at all the things you have learned!

What do you need to learn to read?

Step 1: Let’s revise the 42 letter sounds.

Click here to go to the Phonics Kit to watch the video all the times you need and see the 42 letter sounds.

Let’s play a game!

  • 2 players (ask someone in your family)
  • 2 sets of letters (go to th Phonics Kit to print the letter set)
  • a tip of a bottle

To copy in the copybook:

Today is Wednesday 1st, April.

Autumn is here! Draw something nice:) (Dibujo algo lindo sobre el otoño)

Now, decide…..Yes or No?


-Helping others_______

Can you think of 2 more examples? (pienso dos ejemplos más y los copio en el cuaderno)



Have a nice day! Miss Gaby and Miss Marian 🙂