Did you brush your teeth today? Go! Quickly! And then get ready to read about Tootie, a Vampire Baby. (¿Cepillaste tus dientes hoy? ¡Andá y hacelo pronto! Y después preparate para leer sobre Toodie, Un bebé Vampiro.)

Now, you can turn these chocolate chip cookies . (Ahora podés convertir estas galletitas con chispas de chocolate …)

Pumpkin Spice Cookies
from frhttps://cafemom.com/lifestyle/221806-halloween-treats-that-take-30-minutes-or-lessom
Vampire Teeth Cookies
from https://cafemom.com/lifestyle/221806-halloween-treats-that-take-30-minutes-or-lessom

And eat a delicious treat! (¡Y comé una deliciosa golosina igual a la boca de Tootie!)