Hi children! How are you?

I´m fine, thanks!

Listening time!

A) Boys and girls open your folders and make a new Cover (Carátula) called “Listenings.”

B) You have to print the pages with images we are attaching and stick them in “Listenings” section of your folder.

C) Listen to the audios and do the activities. If you do not have a printer you can write the answers. For example in part 1: Sally is the girl on the bike who is laughing or In part 3: Gloves= D

D) When you finish the listenings please take a photo of your answers and send them to Miss Romi (students from 4th Blue) and to Miss Adri (students from 4th Green).

Pages with images


PS: Dear boys and girls this is something new because we have never done listenings together so please, if you have any doubt or problem send a note to Miss Romi or to Miss Adri through ACADEU


Next Thursday we will have a new meeting through Google Meet. It will be so nice to get in contact with you again!

Please, watch the following video so that we can talk about it. Enjoy it!