Hello boys and girls! How are you today?

I´m fine, thanks!

Let´s watch the following videos


Now, open your folders in “Language and Phonology” and write the date and the following title:

Super Mario Bros goes to the castle

Then write a paragraph about Mario Bros going to the castle and when you have finished take a photo of your folder and send it, 4th blue to Miss Romi and 4th green to Miss Adri, through ACADEU.

Remember to use: Indententation, Capital Letters, linkers First, Then, After that, and Finally, as in the example:


“To go to the playground, first I open the door of our classroom and go out. Then I say hello to Miss Laura and walk downstairs. After that I go through the corridor and say hello to Miss Fabi and finally I get to the patio.”

See you tomorrow children!