We are working on Classic Tales or Traditional Stories in this project. Use this tool called “StoryMaker” to create your own traditional story… It´s fun and interactive!

Estos son nuestros cuentos. Para poder verlos ingresa el código en el libro.

4th Blue

Valentina and Mia: GGN974
Macarena and Luli: WYD464
Pedro and Malena F.: SAN748
Delfi and Toto: GSC668
Paloma F. D. and Ciro: BHX944
Fermín and Jasmín: FUX025
Joaquín: YBT852
Angie and Pili: WYH867
Paloma L. and Paz: VDZ614
Male S. and Jere: DUW943

4th Green

Felipe and Valentino V.: BFR033
Matilda and Milagros: GYB605
Fausto and Lautaro Y.: XBC707
Paz and Delfi: JMP929
Josefina and Olivia: FAH800
Belen and Juana: ASM404
Juan Cruz and Salvador: AHT807
Ramiro and Valentino C.: NVB126
Thiago and Mateo: JDV388
Benicio and Juan Ignacio: WJU753
Santino and Benjamín: