Celebrate poets and the wonderful things that poetry can bring to our lives!

Here are a few suggestions to get your celebration started. Choose one or more:

  • If you frequently write messages or whatsapps to a friend or family member, start including a poem with each message. Ask the other person to include poems in their messages, too.
  • Invite your family to help you create a poetry treasure hunt. Each person should find (or write) one or two poems about everyday things and then hide them around the house. For example, a poem about stinky socks could end up taped to the laundry basket.
  • Choose a classic poem to memorize with a friend or family member. Amaze me by reciting the poem out loud together next time we meet in Meet!
  • However you decide to celebrate National Poetry Month, have fun sharing your love of poetry with others and remember to tell me the poem you chose! You have time until the end of the month. Write to me to library@colegionewlands.com.ar

Here´s my favourite poet for children and his work:
