Good afternoon 4th! We hope you are all doing ok and staying at home! Today we will work on literature. We divided the group in two so that the Meet has less participants and you can all speak more.

This is the text we are going to be reading:

Now, have a look at this list with information about Auggie. You do not need to print it.

Think: How many things do you have in common with Auggie? How many items would you tick?

Activity: In Reading section of the folder write a short paragraph explaining in what ways you are related/similar to Auggie. Then upload the photo in Google Drive – your folder – English


I’m much older than Auggie but I have many things in common with him. I have a bike, I like ice cream A LOT, I have a sister (she’s called Ana Laura), I have two pet dogs, I am a kind person and I try to be funny (especially when my friends, mates or family feel sad). If I were Auggie´s mate at school, I would like to be his friend!

  by Miss Anne