After you have your individual Meet, please work on this listening task from Flyers:
Hi kids, please watch the following video. Please, copy the following activity on comparative adjectives, paste it in your drive folders and complete it. Love, Miss Adri & Miss Annie
Today we met to start working on a piece of writing. The activity is to write an opinion essay about the Toy Planet catalogue and the commercials we saw last week. Let´s see what an opinion essay is: You have… Continue Reading →
Hello 4th Green & 4th Blue! Today all the teachers are busy with a “jornada docente” but you will be working on this listening activity! Please when you finish send it to
Hello Kids! En esta oportunidad, les propongo dos actividades: la primera la resuelven de manera individual y la segunda la pueden realizar en grupo (la cantidad de alumnos que quieran). Actividad 1: Individual Escuchar y poner atención a la explicación… Continue Reading →
Kids, in today´s Meet we used the following material: ActivityComplete a venn diagram to compare and contrast the games/toys of the tv commercials and the ones of the catalogue
Video 1: cleaning commercials Video 2: gardening & home repair commercials Now, make 2 lists with these words to describe the 2 videos that we have watched: Activity after Meet: do this listening activity now, send the results to your… Continue Reading →
It was very nice to have a Meet video call all together! Today we read this dialogue together: Activity: Write a short dialogue that includes gender equality or gender stereotypes, like the one above in your Drive. You can have… Continue Reading →
Hi Kids! Today we enjoyed this video together to start talking about our new project. We also read the following presentation and analysed different aspects related to gender equality. See you tomorrow! Miss Adri & Miss Anne
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