Hello Kids! How are you? Do you like being at home? 🏠

1- Let´s watch a video with some safety tips.

2- Can you think of one IDEA to keep home a safe place? Make a VIDEO and share it! (Compartir video en “Videos 27-03” en la carpeta de Drive https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1X6U-NfBGb-2Lbb1l21aqGRGMHy8jvo1L)

3- You can use IDEAS from this CARD. (Hacer la card en el copybook, sacarle una foto y subir esa foto a “Actividad 27-03” en Drive https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/11iSY-RXGyetKtv5OW-_CjP1R3BOZNtxR)