Male kid holding bouquet of flowers por Marija Kovac - Stocksy United

Hello children! How are you?

Phonics session


FAMILIA: Sacar una foto del dictado y enviar por Acadeu a EBERLE, Mónica. Gracias.

Guessing Game

Watch the video and try to guess the person in disguise.

“If you are in disguise, you are not wearing your usual clothes or you have altered your appearance in other ways, so that people will not recognize you.”
Leave your answer in the comments.

Do you want to have some fun? Dress in disguise and use Flipgrid to record a video saying: “Hello, I am …” (and there you spell your name, DO NOT say it!). Then we will try to guess your real identity! Here is the link:

1- Let´s watch this beautiful video.

2- Now, we will do some craft work. Let´s watch Miss Gaby and make a flower like this one. (Subir foto a la carpeta de drive )

3- Now tell us, How much do you like working in the blog? Leave your answers in a comment!


Not that much   🙂 (one happy face)                        

                          🙂   🙂   

                          🙂   🙂 🙂   

                          🙂   🙂 🙂   🙂                      

 A lot!                🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂    (5 happy faces)

4- Easter is coming soon! Would you like to play a game? Click here

Huevos De Pascua Y Conejito Lindo En La Hierba Verde. Decoración ...

Miss Gaby and Miss Marian