Hi 3rd Blue and 3rd Green! We are starting a new project! We hope you like it 🙂

1- Phonics Time!

**Read the words

  **Copy the words with the same SOUND (Copio en el documento compartido en Drive las palabras que tengan el mismo sonido)

theme    apple     eat  house    read    were

2- What is a living thing? And a non living thing? Let´s watch and see…

3- Now, think and solve:

a-What are the 4 important actions that living things do?

b-What do they need? Choose the 2 correct options

-they need nutrients, water and sunlight.

-they need to eat.

-they need fire 

-they need objects

-they only need water

(Copio las respuestas en el documento compartido en Drive, el que usamos siempre)

Have a nice week 🙂

Miss Gaby and Miss Marian