
Watch this video. Choose 3 words and write 3 sentences using them. (Miro el video, elijo 3 palabras y armo una oración con cada una).

We keep on talking about Global warming, and thinking of ideas on how to help our planet. Watch this video.

💡 Some ideas to help reduce global warming:

-Use less hot water.

-Reduce, reuse, recycle.

-Plant more trees.

-Turn off electronic devices.

-Spread awareness.

Now, we’ll take action! We’ll focus on the second point, ‘ Recycle, reuse, reduce’. Choose ONE of these ideas! (Elijo una de las ideas para contribuir).

A tote bag out of an old T-shirt!

Or… different objects made out of cans!

Enjoy this song!

See you tomorrow! 🤗

Miss Marian and Miss Gaby.