Hi kids! 🙂 Let’s start working with phonics!


Peace or piece. Complete the sentences using the correct word.

1- Would you like a ………of cake?

2- A dove is a symbol of ………..

3- Thank you for your ……….of advice.

4- We want …….. in the world.

Watch these kids talking about PEACE.

Now record a video using Flipgrid and answer these questions,

  • What is ‘peace’?
  • How can we work for peace?

(Grabo un video en Flipgrid diciendo qué es la paz para mí, y cómo puedo trabajar por ella).

📢 Remember that if you want, you can record a video with your family singing “Stand by me”.

Listen to this version of the song! 🎵

Have a nice weekend! - Anderson Engineering Malawi | Facebook

Miss Marian and Miss Gaby.