Hello kids!

1- We start with Phonics!

Complete these sentences in Drive with COULD, SHOULD or WOULD:

a- _________you like more tea?

b- I ________help you, if you want.

c- We________ clean out the hamster´s cage.

2- Look, this is amazing! How do seeds grow?

3- What do plants need? Listen…..and dance 🙂

4- Read and decide if these are good conditions for a plant to grow. Write YES or NO (En el documento, copio las oraciones y decido si son o no buenas condiciones para que la planta crezca)

a- We put the seed in an empty jar.

b- We put the seed in the soil.

c-We don’t water the plant.

d- We water the plant everyday.

e- The plant doesn´t receive sunlight. 

5- Fantastic gardening hacks! Have a look!

Miss Gaby and Miss Marian