Author Mariana Affre

Thursday 17th, September

Hi kids! Today we read a story together, and we talked about being peaceful. ✌ Some pieces of advice. Talk when you have a different opinion. Share your feelings and ask for help. Be a peacemaker. Take the challenge, send… Continue Reading →

Wednesday 9th, September

Hi kids!🙂 We keep on learning about peace and what we can do to achieve it. Phonics Read the poem. Let´s watch this video. And now… Choose one of the scenes and recreate it at home with your family, 🎭… Continue Reading →

Tuesday 8th, September

Hi kids! Today we listened to this song together, but we have to practice it until we know it!🎵 We´ll use some of the words we brainstormed to write an Acrostic Poem. help – love – friendship – kindness –… Continue Reading →

3 Rs! Wednesday 2nd, September

Phonics Watch this video. Choose 3 words and write 3 sentences using them. (Miro el video, elijo 3 palabras y armo una oración con cada una). We keep on talking about Global warming, and thinking of ideas on how to… Continue Reading →

Be a weather watcher! Tuesday, 1st September

Hi kids! 🙂 Today in our videocall we talked about weather instruments. Watch this video. Now, you’ll predict the weather for the following 5 days. You can copy this page, or write it in your document. (Vamos a predecir el… Continue Reading →

Climate change! Wednesday, 26th August

Phonics Finish the sentences by adding also – of – eight (En el documento completo las oraciones). 1-There are lots …………… sheep on the farm. 2- I counted ……………… chickens in the yard. 3- There are ……………….cows on the farm…. Continue Reading →

Global warming – Tuesday, 25th August

Hi kids!🙂 Today we watched this video together. Now, you’ll listen to this interesting song 🎵 (Click) 📝 Choose one thing we can do to help the environment. Make a poster to encourage people to do it! (Subo la foto… Continue Reading →

Stormy weather! Wednesday, 19th August

Phonics Listen and read. Are you afraid of storms?⛈ What do you do when a storm is coming? How do you feel when there are thunders? 🌩 Let’s watch this story about Franklin, who is afraid of storms. Use the… Continue Reading →

Weather and climate- Tuesday, 18th August (after the videocall)

Today in the videocall, we talked about the difference between weather and climate. “Weather” is local and temporary. “Climate” describes conditions over the long term and over an entire region. That ‘s why now… – You´ll dress up like a… Continue Reading →

Why does it rain? Friday 14th, August

Phonics Add a letter to change the word! (Agrego una letra para cambiar el sonido). 1- cat: _ a t 2- ship: sh _ _ p 3- coat: _ oat 4- book: _  ook 5- think: _ ink 6- chair:… Continue Reading →

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