Author Mariana Affre

Sock Toys! Friday 15th

(Foto sacada de Phonics 1- Dictation. 2- Listen to this story. 3- Answer these questions about the story. (Copybook) What is the setting of the story? What toys appear in the story? What is your favourite part of the… Continue Reading →

DIY Rag dolls – Thursday 14th (after videocall)

Phonics 1- Listen and repeat. 2- Watch this video. 3- Now, match the instructions to the correct picture. (Puedo hacerlo en el documento de drive, copio las instrucciones y escribo el número de la imagen en la instrucción que corresponde.)… Continue Reading →

Mexican toy! – Wednesday 6th

Phonics Tricky words 1- Can you write 2 sentences with each word? (Las escribo en mi documento). many – any 2- Let´s find Mexico on the map. (Si pude imprimir el mapa el día anterior, coloreo México). 3- Let´s watch… Continue Reading →

Are toys the same in every part of the world? Tuesday 5th (after the videocall)

Phonics Tricky words 1- Copy this in your document. Underline the tricky words. A- I do a lot of homework. B- Have you got any pets? C- There are many toys. Today, we talked about Russian Matryoshkas. 2- Let´s find… Continue Reading →

My own Toy shop, Thursday 30th (after the videocall)

Phonics New tricky words: many any 2- Let´s watch this video about numbers! 3- Now, you will turn your bedroom into a Toy Shop! a) Place the toys in the best way. b) Make labels with the NAMES of the… Continue Reading →

Just a toy. Tuesday 28th (after the videocall)

Phonics 1- Listen to these sounds. 2- Now, in your drive document write 1 word that contains each sound. (LINK para 3rd GREEN, 3rd BLUE lo realiza en el documento que está compartido a la cuenta institucional de cada… Continue Reading →

What are toys made of? Wednesday 22nd

Phonics 1- Do you remember this sound we practiced yesterday? You will write 2 words with the sound ph in your Drive Document. (Busco mi curso y mi nombre, y escribo en el documento Today is Wednesday, 22nd April… Continue Reading →

Toys can be different! Tuesday 21st (after the videocall)

Imagen tomada de: Phonics 1- Listen and repeat. 2- Now, you will watch this video to revise some ADJECTIVES. 3- Choose 3 toys and write two sentences describing them in the copybook. (Escribo las oraciones en el cuaderno, subo… Continue Reading →

In a Toy Shop, Friday 17th

 Hello children 🙂 How are you today? 1- Let´s practice the vocabulary items with this game. Click here: 2- Now, you´ll listen to Miss Marian, and you will color the toys. (Luego, subir foto de la tarea a la carpeta… Continue Reading →

Project #2 Tuesday, 14th April (After the Meet videocall)

Hello children! Today we´re starting a new project. It´s going to be so funny! 1- Let´s watch this video. 2- Now, complete this story map about Toy Story in your copybook (Completo el cuadro según la película de Toy Story,… Continue Reading →

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