Let’s sing with Cata!

What’s the weather like today?

Miss Annie shows you how to play

Let’s play! Listen and choose the initial sound// ¡Vamos a jugar! Escuchá la palabra y clickea sobre el sonido inicial

This time, Max goes to the library!

Go and get your Cat Copybook. Think of your favourite book, go and get it.Draw the cover of your favourite book in your Cat Copybook. Remember to upload the picture to Google Drive // Andá a buscar tu Cat Copybook. Pensá en tu libro favorito y andá a buscarlo. Dibujá la “Cover” en tu Cat Copybook. Recordá subir la foto de tu trabajo en Google Drive.

Today we have a reading challenge! // ¡Hoy tenemos un desafío de lectura!

These are the sentences! /¡Estas son las oraciones!

Will you take the challenge?//¿Aceptás el desafío?

Bye bye!