
Let’s sing a Halloween song!

Ledt’s read together!/¡Vamos a leer juntos!

Type the word that matches the picture//Escribí la palabra debajo de cada dibujo

Storytime: Pete the cat/The perfect pumpkin

Go and get your Cat Copybook and answer the question: How many pumpkins are there?// Andá a buscar el Cat Copybook y respondé la pregunta: How many pumpkins are there?

Remember to take a picture of your work and to upload it to the Drive//Recordá sacarle una foto a tu trabajo y subirla al Drive

Let’s play! Choose the correct option: There is/ There are // ¡Vamos a jugar! Elegí la opción correcta: There is/There are

Let’s play! Read and match// ¡Vamos a jugar! Leé y uní

Bye bye! Have a spooky Wednesday…