Author Anabela S Gentile

Families in fairy tales

1st form has started a new project about families in fairy tales! We’ll read lots of classic tales and compare the families that appear in each of them. We’ll have lots of fun. Miss Luli and Miss Annie.    

Making mache paper

Let’s watch a video thtat explains how to make mache paper. We’ll also help the planet by re-using paper!

Making connections!

We had a beautiful conversation with Miss Tammy and her class. We talked about local animals, endangered animals and showed how much we know about habitats. It was a great experience!

A habitat for our leopards!

Kids in 1st form know that a habitat is like a home for animals. There they can find water, a shelter, food and air. We created a perfect place for our leopards!        

We made leopards!

1st blue has been working with the concept of ¨Endangered animals¨. We learnt a lot about those animals. We  made our own leopards out of paper tubes, yellow paint and lots of coloured paper. Finally, each kid described it orally…. Continue Reading →


Listen and match the word to the picture. Let’s try again!  

Let’s keep on playing with animals!

  Izzie needs some help! She has to find animals for her new movie. Can you help her? Let’s explore the ocean. Listen and guess the animal.  

Monkey puzzle

We listened to the story “Monkey puzzle”. Then, we talked about the parts of the body. Finally, kids labelled the picture of the main character.

Another pet

  We used MyOn to listen to the story “Another pet”. Then, we discussed which animals we can have as pets and which ones we can’t. Kids loved this story!    

Our pets!

The kids brought a picture of their pets and wrote a short description! Miss Luli and Miss Annie made a huge poster, so the whole school could get to know 1st graders’ pets.

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