Author Anabela S Gentile

Thursday 11th June

Hello! Days of the week! What day is it today? Write it in the comments //Días de la semana. ¿Qué día es hoy? Escribilo en los comentarios. Let’s sing! Let’s play! Whose tail is it? Can you guess the animal?… Continue Reading →

Tuesday 9th June

Let’s sing the hello song! Days of the week. What day is it today? Can you write it in the comments? Días de la semana. ¿Qué día es hoy? ¿Podés escribirlo en los comentarios? Let’s read together! // ¡Vamos a… Continue Reading →

Thursday 4th June

What’s the weather like today? Let’s sing! Can you write the date in the comments? //¡Vamos a cantar! ¿Podés escribir el día en los comentarios? Today is_______________ New sound: OO Let’s read! Time to play! ¡Hora de jugar! Now, it… Continue Reading →

Tuesday 2nd June

Time to say hello! What day is it today? Can you write it in the comments?//¿Qué día es hoy?¿Podés escribirlo en los comentarios? New sound /ng/ Let’s sing! Can you read these words?//¿Podés leer estas palabras? Time to play! //… Continue Reading →

Thursday 28th May

Let’s sing! What’s the weather like today? What day is it today? New sound “Z”//Nuevo sonido “Z” Sing along! Where do animals live? ¿Dónde viven los animales? Where do flamingos live? write it in the comments ¿Dónde viven los flamencos?… Continue Reading →

Tuesday 26th May

Let’s sing the hello song! What’s the weather like today? Write in the comments: It is a________day-Escribí en los comentarios: It is a ________day Let’s sing together! Phonics sounds: ee-or Let’s read! ¡Vamos a leer! Time to play! ¡Hora de… Continue Reading →

Thursday 21st May

What’s the weather like today? Days of the week! Let’s read together!

Tuesday 19th May

Hello song! What’s the weather like today? Time to relax. Let’s read! ¡Vamos a leer! If you want, you can write a word with this sound /oa/ in the comments. Si querés, podés escribir una palabra que contenga este sonido… Continue Reading →

Thursday 14th May

If you want, you can write a word with the J sound //Si se animan, pueden escribir una palabra con el sonido J en los comentarios. Time to play! Now, it’s your turn! ¡Ahora es su turno! Story time! Time… Continue Reading →

Tuesday 12th May

Hello!! What’s the weather like today? What day is it today? Can you write it? Today is________________//¿Qué día es hoy? ¿Podés escribirlo? Today is__________________ Look at the boy! What’s he doing? Can you do it, too? ¡Miren al nene! ¿Qué… Continue Reading →

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