Tag feelings

Friday 5th March

Hello! What’s the weather like? Phonics….. T…..t…t…t.. Let’s sing! Project! Let’s introduce ourselves! —- Vamos a usar la plataforma FlipGrid para grabar videos. a continuación encontrarán un video de cómo entrar. Link below / Link a continuación How are you?… Continue Reading →

Group 1, Wednesday 3rd March

Hello everybody! Let’s sing together! What day is it today? Hacer click en la imagen siguiente, y una vez que escuchen los días de la semana, clickear en el día de hoy. Let’s relax! Phonics! a …a….ants on my arm!… Continue Reading →

Wednesday 9th September

What’s the weather like? Let’s stretch and relax! Sound Review! Storytime! Cat Copybook. Draw 6 faces and label the feelings. / Dibujar 6 caras y escribir los sentimientos de cada una. MAGIC WORD: PLEASE!

Tuesday 8th September

Hello song! Days of the week OO sound Let’s read! Feelings Story time! Go and get your Cat Copybook and draw the train with the three main parts of the story// Andá a buscar tu Cat Copybook y dibujá el… Continue Reading →

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