Kids!!!! HELLO!!!!!

Are you ready to sing?

Phonics: A memory game!!! Read and memorize…

Let’s sing the weather song!

Now, let’s reflect…

So… Why is rain important? Think (Sólo piensan…?)

Now, watch this video to see why rain is important. You can learn new ideas! (Ven el video y descubren nuevas ideas sobre la importancia de la lluvia)

Now… let’s open the COPYBOOK!

Today is _______________________, 26th March

It is ____________________________.

Rain is important!

-Phonics: A memory game!

-True or False? After listening to the video about Why rain is important, say if the sentences are TRUE ✅ or FALSE ❎

1- Rain is important for flowers to grow ___

2- Rain is important for people to have showers ___

3- Animals don’t drink water ___

4- Rain is important to form lakes ___

These pictures can help you for the activity above!! (usen estas imágenes de ayuda para la actividad de arriba!)

Use these pics as help!

Now close your copybooks (cierran cuadernos!) and let’s have… Science Fun!!!!!

Let’s do two experiments about rain and to learn why it is formed…


Now, let’s reflect…

Finally, EXPERIMENT 2!


See you tomorrow!

Miss Luli and Miss Cele