HELLO 2nd FORM!!! Welcome to our first virtual week!

We are Miss Moni, Miss Cele and Miss Ani.

Can you guess where we are (¿Pueden adivinar adónde estamos?)

Where is Miss Moni?

Where is Miss Cele?

Where is Miss Ani?

Now, please write in the comments where each teacher is (Por favor escriban en comentarios adónde está cada una)

Miss Moni is in the…

Miss Cele is in the…

Miss Ani is at …

How are you today?

Are you happy?

Are you sad?

Are you grumpy?

Are you a bit silly today?

Watch the video and then think: What makes you happy? (Miro el video y luego pienso qué me hace feliz.)



  • Today is Tuesday, 9th March.
  • It is sunny.

What makes me happy

(Dibujá lo que te hace feliz)

Miss Moni, Miss Ani and Miss Cele