
*Phonics! Pay attention to this sound!

A board game with ee/ea spelling!

You can draw it or print it (pueden dibujarlo o imprimirlo)

*Rocky planets!

Now… a Flipgrid video! Watch to see what you have to do (Miren para saber qué hay que hacer para el video de Flipgrid)

Remember! Don’t give the name of the planet, just clues so that we can guess where your rocket will go! (Recuerden no dar el nombre del planeta, sólo pistas para que podamos adivinar adónde irá su cohete)

Then, watch a partner’s video and answer him/her giving the name of the planet! (Luego vean el video de un compañero y contéstenle dando el nombre del planeta)

Click below to enter Flipgrid!

Well done Kids!

See you tomorrow!

Miss Luli and Miss Cele