
Art day! CRAFT 1: Let’s see what we are going to do!

These are some examples! Remember we’ll wear them next week! (Usen los colores que a ustedes les brinden paz. Recuerden que los usaremos la semana próxima)

CRAFT 2: Let’s see…

So, create a peace space in your house with all the things that make you feel calm (creen un espacio de paz en sus casas con todo lo que a ustedes les brinda paz. No olviden subir la foto al drive!)

This is my Peace Space (Éste es el mío)

Other examples… (otros ejemplos)

Optional activity! Sing a part of the song “Stan by me” together with someone at home and upload the video in Google Drive! (es opcional! Canten una parte de la cación y suban el video al drive si lo desean!)

This is our video!

Have a FANTASTIC weekend!!

Miss Luli and Miss Cele