Tag On the same day in March

Vocabulary – On the same day in March

Friday 3rd April

Hi everyone! Today we will meet online! We will work on EMOTIONS! Watch this video! Now, listen to the song and pay attention to the emotions of the kids (miran la canción prestando atención a las emociones de los nenes… Continue Reading →

Wednesday, 1st

Hi kids!!!! Let’s listen to the months song! Let’s start!!! We are going to work with Phonics! Listen and think… (Escuchan y piensan) Let’s learn about HEMISPHERES in the world (Aprendemos sobre hemisferios) Now, we reflect (reflexionamos sobre lo visto)… Continue Reading →

Rain, rain, don’t go away!!!

Kids!!!! HELLO!!!!! Are you ready to sing? Phonics: A memory game!!! Read and memorize… Let’s sing the weather song! Now, let’s reflect… So… Why is rain important? Think (Sólo piensan…?) Now, watch this video to see why rain is important…. Continue Reading →

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