Tag Peace

Thursday, 24th September

Hello kids! *Phonics: Let’s work with /ie/ sound. Watch this video first Now, let’s see what you are going to do *A story! Watch this story Now, see what you are going to do… Lovely work! See you tomorrow! Miss… Continue Reading →

Tuesday, 22nd September

Hello kids! International Day of Peace Choose a page and colour it! https://www.online-coloring.com/201-printables-international-day-of-peace/ Padlet: https://padlet.com/luchidipaolo/8d9hagi38h6bgxvg 2nd grade wishes: Write a wish! Copybook: Copy the date in your copybooks. See you tomorrow! Miss Cele and Miss Luli

Friday, 18th September

Hello! Art day! CRAFT 1: Let’s see what we are going to do! These are some examples! Remember we’ll wear them next week! (Usen los colores que a ustedes les brinden paz. Recuerden que los usaremos la semana próxima) CRAFT… Continue Reading →

Thursday, 17th September

Hello! Let’s listen to this beautiful version of the song “Stand by me”! *Phonics! New tricky words and a game! (Tricky words nuevas y un juego!) These are all the tricky words we have worked with so far (Estas son… Continue Reading →

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