We all have anecdotes: happy, sad, amazing, embarrassing memories……

After working in class, now it´s your time to write a well organized anecdote that you would like to share! Read the tips and useful phrases below and GET READY!

Resultado de imagen de pencil on paper drawing


  1. Limit the anecdote to one incident or experience.
  2. Start with an introduction that sets the scene and produces the mood for the anecdote.
  3. Put the events in chronological order.
  4. Use language that paints a clear picture of the people, setting and action.
  5. Use first person pronouns “I, me, my”.
  6. Add humor or dramatic scenes.
  7. Write a surprising ending.
  8. Give it an interesting title.

Sharing time!!!
Once your anecdote is finished! Copy this code, log in with your school account and share your anecdote through Flipgrid!!!
