Author Karina Kusznieryk

April 27th – Literature Circle

Can you name famous pirates? Why do you think most of them became infamous? Why is it important to read and work on biographies? A Biography Provides Inspiration. Reading about the real life story of a successful or remarkable person… Continue Reading →

April 26th – Peter Pan

What does it mean to grow up? What is a world without adults to you? Fantasy? Nightmare? Boring? What do you think about living forever as a kid and never growing up? Would you be interested in doing that? –… Continue Reading →

April 22nd, E.M & E.L.T.

E. M. “Photosynthesis” Plants are producers. How is it that plants produce their own food? Watch the video that explains this natural process and take down notes to define the new terms. E. L. T. “Used to” Google Classroom Assignment…. Continue Reading →

April 21st, Modern Piracy

What can you infer from this title “ Modern Piracy, Indonesian Pirates”? What areas are being affected by piracy nowadays?

April 20th, “Literature Circle”

“The giving tree”

April 19th “Code of Conduct”

Imagine that you are on a pirate ship somewhere in the Caribbean. A sticky situation arises and the crew must consult the Articles of Agreement.

Group 1. April 16th. “Remedial Work”

Today we will go back to the E.L.T. activities you did yesterday. Pay attention to every detail while correcting and ask all the questions in order to clarify doubts!

Group 1. April 15th. E. M. & E.L.T

E.L.T Check homework with Ms. Macarena during the meet- Do your best!!! After the meet, solve the activity found in classroom” Classwork” – E.M- Introduction to Ecology See you on Monday!!!

Group 1. April 14th. Revision

Revision Framing questions/  Past simple/ Past continuous Go to Google Classroom download the activities and solve them in your folder.

Group 1. April 13th. Read & answer the letter.

You have received a letter from your friend Sam. This message containsall the directions to a treasure he has buried some time ago. Read theletter, look up any word you need, solve the activities and answer it back telling Sam what … Continue Reading →

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