In week 5 of #globalrj we focused on connecting our class with other classes in the project… and we were absolutely successful!

We had two connections:

-a videoconference with the class from Texas, who are in 2nd form. You can read about Ms. Dora Deboer’s class in the Project Blog here. In this connection, we asked and answered questions about Romeo and Juliet, and we discovered a lot about some adaptations that the other students made: they created alternative endings!

-a videoconference with the class from Michigan, who are Secondary students. You can read about Mrs. Julie Puffer’s class in the Project Blog here. In this connection, students from 5th Blue and Green together with Miss Vivi discussed the theme of Conflict in Literature, the specific conflicts in Romeo and Juliet, and and how conflict is present in our lives (and in the world) today.

We want to share some nice photos of these events… we hope you’ll like them!

Hangout with Texas: Readers

Hangout with Texas: Readers

Hangout with Texas: Photographers, Tweeters, Questioners, Researchers

Hangout with Texas: Photographers, Tweeters, Questioners, Researchers



Hangout with Michigan: Students from 5th Blue and 5th Green together with Miss Vivi