Tag Adaptations

Analysing Romeo and Juliet: some productions

We have been working really hard on our analysis of the play and its adaptations. Here are some of the collaborative productions we have done in class. Click on the pictures to see the detailed albums.

Romeo and Juliet: Analysis of Adaptations

Let’s compare and contrast the characteristics of some adaptations of this classic play! First, we watched a video summary of the play by the British Council. (Click here to go to the previous post about it). Now, take a look… Continue Reading →

#globalrj Week 5: Finishing our own version!

We are already in Week 5 of #globalrj!  We are going to finish our adaptation of Romeo and Juliet. For this, follow the set of instructions below. Instructions: Access Edmodo and find your shared documents with the summaries you made… Continue Reading →

#globalrj Week 4: Our own version of R&J!

This week in #globalrj, our first objective is to create our OWN version of Romeo and Juliet! Read a funny comic adaptation about R&J: click here to see the website. It has many more funny Shakespeare summaries and other related… Continue Reading →

#globalrj Week 3: Adaptations and their characteristics

We are comparing some adaptations and the original text of Romeo and Juliet. As you can see, we have been working really hard, and we know a lot!

#globalrj Week 3: Original text and adaptations

This week in #globalrj we are focusing on the original text of Romeo and Juliet, learning about the characteristics of a play, the language in Shakespeare’s times and many more interesting facts. We are also comparing this to many possible adaptations… Continue Reading →

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