In chapter 9 we read Jabber’s slam poem. We liked it a lot, and we realised it was very powerful!

Let’s see some characteristics of Slam Poetry:

Slam Poetry is a kind of oral poetry: it’s written to be recited and performed live in front of an audience. Slam Poetry is usually very passionate, because it’s about topics that are very important for the authors.

(Adapted from: 

Picture from:

Click here to read 5 tips for Slam Poetry and pay attention to them! You’re going to write your OWN slam poem and you will need them 😉

Now, follow the guideline below to create your super unique Slam Poem!

  1. Title: You know what it’s like, right?
  2. You know what it’s like, right?
  3. The _____________, the _________________, (two characteristic elements)
  4. The way ______________________________ (something happens)
  5. To _______________________ (verb + activity)
  6. You know what it’s like, right?
  7. ________________like ______________ (the way you feel: metaphor)
  8. ________________ as_________________ (the way you feel: simile)
  9. “____________________________” (something other people say)
  10. “____________________________” (something other people say)
  11. But all I can think is
  12. _____________________________ (what you think)
  13. I want to ____________________ (something you want to do)
  14. That’s what I want.
  15. The End!