Hi kids!! This is the last week we are meeting before the winter holidays.

Today we are going to integrate all the topics that we have been working with during this project.

We are going to read three texts about the experiences of three different kids and their lifestyles. We are going to analyse them and vote which one is the most sustainable.

You will have two consider everything we have been learning about:

  • The food they eat and where does it come from
  • The kind of transport they use
  • The type energy they use at home
  • The amount of energy they use
  • The houses they live in
  • The kind of consumption they have

After discussing all these things and voting, you will have to go to Flipgrid and answer the following: (the FLIPGRID CODE is in Edmodo)

Record yourself telling which new habits are you planning to incorporate (or which ones you have already incorporated) in your life in order to become a more sustainable person.
You can also include your plans for the winter holidays.
Remember that if you are talking about the future you have to use WILL or GOING TO.